Everyone has a story to tell. whether it be a long story or a short one. it may be horridly boring to others, but then again it may be quite interesting. do't worry, i am not going to tell you my story, lol. At least not yet.
well maybe a bit of one.
internet friends.
if you own a computer, and you are connected to the internet, you have them. we all do. go ahead and deny it if you want, but you are only lying to yourself if you do. because if you are reading this, i automatically become your friend.
haha, i can see you now saying, "well, now i have one". haha.
my internet friends come and go, but a few of them remain intact and pretty strong. a few of them have been through the good and the bad of my life which has happened since i got the internet. some of them left because they thought i was not being truthful with them. haha. their loss. i do not know how to NOT be truthful with people. my life is an open book, and if you don't believe it, well then, that is your problem not mine.
not that i have weird or unbelievable things happen to me. my life is just normal. at least, i think it is, lol.
now, to have an internet friend does not mean you have to contact them each and every day. hound each other with emails and funny jokes, chat online. no, it only means you have met online, and keep contact. i have a "list as long as my arm" of people who i am friends with online. i have met several of the people face to face. so are we now internet friends? or just friends who converse on the internet?

meet with another internet friend, and for good measure, she dragged her newly aquired internet boyfriend, (which i had assistance in setting up i might add, lol). this photo was taken just yesterday, when she stopped to visit me on her drive to chicago with her now internet husband.

miss mary and mr bruce, her internet found husband. i do want to add, she was not looking for a husband when this one came along. it just happened that they got to meet (because I encouraged miss mary that she should do it). it was long distance for awhile, but that distance quickly closed and they have been man and wife for a couple years now.
miss mary is not the only person from the internet that i have met, she is just the one i have maintained a closer relationship with. i have met people from texas, louisiana, nebraska, tennessee, michigan, georgia, california, washington, montana, idaho, oregon.
wow. i didnt realize i met people from so many states. i think there are a few more, but i cannot remember exactly.
yes, i have many, many internet friends, but i do believe the title reverses once i meet them. they are my "friends i keep contact with on the internet."
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