i did a little bit of winterizing. taped some windows, made sure some storm windows were closed and wrapped up the air conditioner in the living room window. it is too heavy for me to take out.
then i checked the mail. my check stub was there. they mail us our stubs and direct deposit the money. the check was near $400 short. they paid me in the per diem wages instead of my regular wages. i had even gone to the supervisor to tell her to put me as last day of work after mid october so this would not happen. who the heck works in the office that determines when i am no longer full time employed? i was there all of the pay period. does that not make me full time? they need to deposit the money this week and not wait until the next pay period.
my oldest daughter, mykal, has made the effort to spend some time with me almost every day this past week. she is working the evening shift today, so i will not see her at all today. she is taking my leaving pretty hard. i cannot understand why she is being so "clingy" of me. she is 35 years old and has two children of her own. she is the one who went away for eleven years and left me at home. (she had joined the army) now that i am the one traveling, she really wants me to stay home.
she is like her youngest son, carter. he is at the age where he has separation syndrome, where he cries every time his mom leaves him. even if it is just out of the room.
mykal has done just about everything she possibly could to keep me from traveling. first she had the baby, and even though i had returned home for her sisters children, she was convinced i was here for the new baby. then, she began paying me to babysit, because i was short of money. she supplied me with food when i was too broke to buy it for myself. she encouraged her sister to visit more often so i would not be lonely. (of course her sister didn't). she and/or her boyfriend would come take me out to dinner about once a week. she tries to get me to come to the functions of her oldest boy bradyn, but i don't really care to sit and watch soccer, or tai kwon do stuff. i went to baseball, i like baseball.
i do not know why i feel the need to travel. sometimes i think i am running away from something, but what is that something? boredom probably. living in a small town is not always the best thing. of course, i am not going to move to a big town/city, because my family is here, and i value my life. i work in one of those big towns, and it is nothing for us to get a patient who has a gunshot wound from a drive by shooting.
at least that gives a little interest in life. snipe hunting and cow tipping just is not that interesting anymore.
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